Innovation that wins With MoTIS® Voice, the advantages of the different picking systems Pick-by-Voice and MDE (Mobile Data Entry) are combined with a route and user guidance. The previously existing and system-related boundaries between the different technologies and picking strategies are eliminated. MoTIS® Voice is hardware independent and runs on any mobile Pocket PC, data terminal or wireless PC/thin client.
The picker receives his tasks and instructions by voice command. He can then decide for himself whether he prefers confirmation by voice, by input or by scan. Confirmations, changes and other instructions are also freely selected.
"We have found that there are good approaches on the market. But most only use part of the possibilities. Synergies between techniques and different processes are hardly used. Why should advanced voice technology only be used as an island solution?"
With MoTIS® Voice, depending on the product category, mandatory scans, for example for serial number, batch or PLM-relevant items, can be flexibly combined with fast voice picking. A qualified pick control of batches or serial numbers is simple and safe via laser scanner, but just not as fast, because depending on the regulation, each individual item must be scanned separately.
High pick reliability comes at the expense of speed. For customers who manage both high-value goods and bulk items in the same storage area, a flexible switch between voice and scanning during picking brings a sustainable increase in performance. And it does so at no additional cost compared to classic voice systems. "The high-quality microprocessor is scanned with its serial number and the sack of screws next door moves into the shipping box by voice command", users vividly describe the advantages of MoTIS® Voice.
A sustainable gain in speed through pick-by-voice depends on many factors. Not every application area is equally well suited for the use of voice technology. In particular, if the tasks become more complex and the distances between the pick positions are very short, then there are unavoidable limits to speed in practice due to voice instructions alone. Users can be slowed down by slow announcements.
"Imagine you want to have a pick list with more than six positions read out to you. After the third position at the latest, you do lose track..." That's why it was important to InnoLOG® to combine voice technology and visual information. This is the only way users can benefit from the advantages of voice control and still maintain an overview of their current orders.
Motis Voice retrofit
However, the consistent modular approach of open standards also results in very interesting areas of application and sustainable added value through the retrofittability of existing systems.
All in all, all mobile data collection devices, e.g. based on Android / browser-based, as well as all other MoTIS® installations can benefit from the new functions of MoTIS® Voice.