Cloud-Hosting Cloud-Application by InnoLOG

Software as a Service

InnoLOG offers you the possibility to take over the entire hosting of the application and database server. The software and data are accessed via the cloud simply from a browser.

Especially for small and medium-sized companies, external hosting offers excellent security, savings opportunities and speed in system implementation. With a fixed monthly usage fee, the operation of the software in the cloud is precisely calculable. InnoLOG carries out complex server maintenance and server upkeep measures for you.

Application hosting tasks

Hosting a complex intralogistics application involves considerable effort in some cases.

The application and databases are distributed across several servers. All servers must be created and set up accordingly for system implementation. General maintenance, server updates, database cleansing, data archiving and user and system maintenance are an ongoing process that can require an entire IT department.

Especially for SMEs, it can therefore be worthwhile to hand over all or part of the hosting tasks to InnoLOG. 

All you need to do is to use the software. We take care of everything else!

The optimal solution for medium-sized businesses, start-ups, smaller forwarding companies, etc.

You do not need a server. You only need a DSL connection and access the data in the cloud via the Internet with your PCs or mobile devices. The complete system environment is completely managed by InnoLOG.

You simply pay a small monthly fee. Storage space & maintenance are included.

Costs of an own IT department or an outsourcing service provider are completely eliminated.

Your advantages

  • Rent instead of buy
  • Simple quick entry option
  • No own IT staff required
  • Complete management by InnoLOG
  • No in-depth know-how required
  • No own server necessary
  • No server room, no fire protection, etc.
  • Standardized modular warehouse management software
  • Software can grow with increasing requirements
  • Data backup through InnoLOG
  • Storage capacity, increase possible at any time
  • Intuitive, simple and effective user interface